Thursday, August 30, 2012

It's a ME Collage

We've been reading Judy Moody Is In a Mood for our first read-aloud.  In this text, Judy creates a ME collage as a way for her new third grade classmates to get to know her.  Well, we are going to create ME collages - sort of!  Each year we (the third grade teachers) like to have our kiddos decorate their writing journals as a way to do several things:  1.  It's fun!; 2. It is a way for your kiddo's personality to come out in an unusual place; and 3. It gives your kids something to write about when they say, "I don't have anything to write about."  :) 

I'm uploading a sample of a journal - it doesn't have to be just has to be about your kiddo!

I will talk with the kids tomorrow (Friday) and show them the sample.  I would like for these to be returned on Tuesday, September 4th.  Any questions - let me know!

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